Modeling of equilibrium states of the thermodynamic MgFOH system for plasma pyrohydrolysis of magnesium fluoride to produce magnesium oxide and hydrogen fluoride

Keywords: magnesium fluoride, steam-water plasma, pyrohydrolysis, magnesium oxide, hydrogen fluoride


The relevance of the study is due to the industrial need for processing magnesium fluoride - a waste product from beryllium production, formed during the magnesium-thermal reduction of beryllium fluoride, with the production of commercial magnesium oxide and the return of fluorine in the form of hydrofluoric acid to the production process. The equilibrium states of the MgFOH thermodynamic system for plasma pyrohydrolysis of magnesium fluoride in the temperature range 1500–5000 K, pressure 0,025–0,200 MPa, molar ratio of reagents  1–3,4 was simulated. From the condition of the maximum total mass fraction of the target products (HF, MgO), the optimal value of the molar ratio of the initial reagents n=HOH/MgF2 = 1,7, process temperature 2020 K, pressure 100 kPa was established. The hydrolysis products contain magnesium fluoride vapor. To separate the target products, sequential stepwise separation of the condensation and vapor-gas phases is required. It is shown that the process of plasma pyrohydrolysis of magnesium fluoride can be practically waste-free.


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How to Cite
Tverskoi , A. V., Tverskoi , V. S., Kylyshkanov , M. K., Podoinikov , M. A., & Shestakov , K. A. (2024). Modeling of equilibrium states of the thermodynamic MgFOH system for plasma pyrohydrolysis of magnesium fluoride to produce magnesium oxide and hydrogen fluoride. Chemical Safety Science, 8(2), 29 - 39.
Simulation of chemical and ecological processes