Chemical Safety Science, 2018, Volume 2, No 2, p. 183 — 198


Technologies for the elimination of chemical hazards


UDC 502/504. 631.454(631.427.22) + 579.64                            Download PDF (RUS)

DOI: 10.25514/CHS.2018.2.14114



S. B. Venig1, V. G. Serzhantov2, R. K. Chernova1, N. N. Shcherbakova1, E. I. Selifonova1, V. P. Splyukhin1, and Z. Yu. Khaptsev3

1Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov, Russia,

2ООО “EkoSorbent”, Saratov, Russia

3Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University, Saratov, Russia

Received October 11, 2018

Published December 26, 2018

Abstract – A series of technologies based on natural aluminosilicate material, glauconite are reviewed which have been designed by the authors for cleaning and recovering environmental media and industrial facilities polluted with hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metal compounds, pharmaceutical pollutants, etc. An effective waste-free resource-saving technology for producing a glauconite sorbent combines the steps of pretreatment of glauconitic raw materials and activation of its sorption properties. A technology of cleaning and recovering soils contaminated with oil products combines applying glauconitic sorbents and bioremediation of soil by destructive microorganisms. Technologies have also been developed for applying the obtained glauconitic sorbents for purifying hazardous gas emissions into the air, purifying aqueous solutions contaminated with hydrogen sulfide, as well as a technology for extracting pharmaceutical substances and pharmaceutical pollutants from aqueous solutions at a high recovery degree.

Keywords: glauconitе, sorbent, purification of aqueous, air and soil media, bioremediation, microorganisms,  pharmaceutical pollutants.


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